Alfredo Salvatore Arcilesi, "Pasture Statues"
Artisan baker by trade, Alfredo Salvatore Arcilesi has been published in numerous literary journals. Winner of the Scribes Valley Short Story Writing Contest, he was a Pushcart Prize nominee, and twice nominated for Sundress Publications' Best of the Net. In addition to several short pieces, he is currently working on his debut novel.
D Bedell, "The Bridge Builder"
CS Crowe, "Dear Vincent Grey"
CS Crowe is a storyteller from the Southeastern United States with a love of nature and a passion for writing. He believes stories and poems are about getting there, not being there, and he enjoys those tales that take their time getting to the point.
Timothy Dodd, "Collapse"
Timothy Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV. He is the author of Fissures, and Other Stories (Bottom Dog Press), Men in Midnight Bloom (Cowboy Jamboree Press), and Mortality Birds (Southernmost Books, with Steve Lambert), as well as poetry collections Vital Decay (Cajun Mutt Press), Modern Ancient (High Window Press), and Orbits 52 (Broadstone Books, forthcoming). Also a visual artist, sample his artwork on IG @timothybdoddartwork. His website is
Ann Howells, "Return to Standard Time"
Ann Howells edited Illya’s Honey for eighteen years. Recent books include: So Long As We Speak Their Names (Kelsay Books, 2019) and Painting the Pinwheel Sky (Assure Press, 2020). Chapbooks include: Black Crow in Flight, Editor’s Choice –Main Street Rag, 2007 and Softly Beating Wings, 2017 William D. Barney winner (Blackbead Books). Ann’s work appears in many small press and university journals here and abroad. She is a multiple Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee.
Dennis McFadden, "The Color Sergeant’s Widow"
Dennis McFadden, a retired project manager, lives and writes in a cedar-shingled cottage called Summerhill in the woods of upstate New York. His collection “Jimtown Road,” won the 2016 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction, and his first collection, “Hart’s Grove,” was published by Colgate University Press in 2010; another collection, “Lafferty, Looking for Love,” is forthcoming from Cornerstone Press. His novel, “Old Grimes Is Dead,” earned a starred review from Kirkus Reviews, and was selected by their editors as one of the Best Indie Books of 2022. Over a hundred of his stories have appeared in publications such as The Missouri Review (including the winner of the 2023 Perkoff Prize), New England Review, The Sewanee Review, Arts & Letters, The Antioch Review, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, The Best American Mystery Stories and the inaugural volume of the series, The Best Mystery Stories the Year 2021.
Hannah Miet, "Fire Season"
Hannah Miet is a writer in Los Angeles. Her poetry, prose, and journalism have appeared in PANK, The New York Times, Newsweek, The Rumpus, The Naugatuck River Review, The McNeese Review, The Atlantic, The Two Weeks anthology, and elsewhere. Learn more at or follow her on Instagram @hannah_miet.
Mark Aaron Nelson, "Pumpkin Patch"
Heather Noble, "Christmas Gala", "Facade"
Heather L. Noble writes sci-fi, fantasy and poetry. Most recently her short story "Red Rain" appeared in Dark Splinters anthology, currently available on amazon.
She has published in numerous journals such as San Diego poetry Annual, Magee Park Poets Anthology Carlsbad, CA, The Charleston Anvil, Summer Rain and Old Bones; Year One by Henlo Press, among others.
She is the recipient of the Dana Rymer Patterson Poetry Prize, The Emerson Poetry Prize and the ECC East Coast Colleges' Best Collection of Short Stories and Poetry Award.
She is a wife and mom of two who enjoys freelance writing and messy hobbies like painting and sculpting when she finds time. She has lived in several states in the East and gulf coast, but currently resides in Vienna, WV.Quinn Ponds, "Cake"
Quinn is an author from Phoenix, Arizona who is living and writing in Portland, Oregon. Her career is in behavioral health, and her passion lies in writing short fiction and poetry. She often spends time hanging out with her stinky little dogs Olive and Charlifer, watching movies, and playing video games.
Miranda Reeder, "Zeus"
Ed Ruzicka, "Splendor, Along Ross Bridge Road"
Ed Ruzicka’s third book of poems, "Squalls", was released in March. Ed’s poems have appeared in the Atlanta Review, the Chicago Literary Review, Rattle, Canary and many other literary publications. Ed, who is also the president of the Poetry Society of Louisiana, lives with his wife, Renee, in Baton Rouge.
Nick Young, "Payday"
Nick Young is a retired award-winning CBS News Correspondent. His story "Nightcrawlers" appeared in the December 2023 Charleston Anvil. In addition, his writing has appeared in more than thirty reviews, journals and anthologies. His first novel, "Deadline," was published in September of 2023. He lives outside Chicago.
Lee Clark Zumpe, "Furniture"
Lee Clark Zumpe, an entertainment editor with Tampa Bay Newspapers, earned his degree in English at the University of South Florida. He began writing poetry and fiction in the early 1990s. His work has appeared in a variety of literary journals and genre magazines over the last two decades. Recent publication credits include Space & Time, Lovecraftiana, Illumen, and The Literary Hatchet. Upcoming appearances include Dreams and Nightmares, Penumbra, and Spectral Realms. Lee lives on the west coast of Florida with his wife and daughter.
Emily Beane, "Zodiac"
Emily Beane is a queer Appalachian poet, writer, and radio host. She is a graduate of West Virginia State University and, somewhat accidentally, a lifelong West Virginian. Emily divides her time between work at Charleston’s community radio station WTSQ, and at the Kanawha County Public Library where she frequently recommends Bukowski to patrons. Emily recently published her first collection of poems.
Josh Bresslin, "Playground"
Josh Bresslin is a graduate of the MountainView MFA program, and earned a master’s in diplomacy at Norwich University. He lives in New Hampshire. His first novel, Crease, debuts this fall.
Timothy Dodd, "Through the Hollow"
Timothy Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV. He is the author of short story collections Fissures, and Other Stories (Bottom Dog Press), Men in Midnight Bloom (Cowboy Jamboree Press), and Mortality Birds (Southernmost Books, with Steve Lambert), as well as poetry collections Modern Ancient (High Window Press) and Vital Decay (Cajun Mutt Press). His fiction has appeared in Yemasee, Broad River Review, and Anthology of Appalachian Writers; his poetry in Roanoke Review, Crab Creek Review, Crannog, and elsewhere. Also a visual artist, he exhibits his work primarily in the Philippines. View his art on Instagram @timothybdoddartwork. His website is
Paul Ilechko, "A Public Burning", "After Bluegrass"
Paul Ilechko is a British American poet and occasional songwriter who lives with his partner in Lambertville, NJ. His work has appeared in many journals, including The Bennington Review, The Night Heron Barks, Southword, Stirring, and The Inflectionist Review. His first book is scheduled for 2025 publication by Gnashing Teeth Publishing.
Barbara Kumari, "The 9:15"
Barbara Kumari holds two M.S. degrees in Psychology and Family and Human Development Studies, which have informed her exploration of psychological and existential themes in her writing. She currently divides her time between the United States and India with her husband and children.
Saundri Luippold, "Nothing In Return"
Saundri Luippold is an undergraduate student at Azusa Pacific University (APU), studying English and Spanish. Her poetry has been published in Foreshadow magazine, as well as the West Wind, APU’s literary journal.
Ira Rosenstein, "Menelaus Succumbs To Helen"
Angela Townsend, "Great Heights"
Angela Townsend (she/her) is the Development Director at Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary. She graduated from Princeton Seminary and Vassar College. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Arts & Letters, Chautauqua, Paris Lit Up, The Penn Review, The Razor, and The Westchester Review, among others. She is a 2023 Best Spiritual Literature nominee. Angie has lived with Type 1 diabetes for 33 years, laughs with her poet mother every morning, and loves life affectionately. She lives just outside Philadelphia with two merry cats.

JC Alfier, "She vaguely feels that something is slipping", "She appears to be alone"
JC Alfier’s most recent book of poetry, The Shadow Field, was published by Louisiana Literature Press (2020). His journal credits include The Emerson Review, Faultline, Notre Dame Review, South Carolina Review, Southern Poetry Review, and Vassar Review.
Roly Andrews, "Balls Up"
Roly Andrews lives in Nelson, NZ, in his spare time he enjoys tramping. After many years of practising, he is still trying to learn to play the trombone! A champion for everyone, he has mentored rough sleepers and supported people affected by suicide. He advocates for the rights of people living with disabilities.
Robert Beveridge, "Jade"
Robert Beveridge (he/him) makes noise ( and writes poetry on unceded Mingo land (Akron, OH). Recent/upcoming appearances in Wishbone Words, SurVision, and Down in the Dirt, among others.
Ethan Cunningham, "Heartlock'", "Lithologic"
Ethan Cunningham is a poet and photographer whose short works have appeared in several literary magazines, but most recently in The Blotter, Corvus Review, Terse, and Modern Poetry Quarterly Review. Although he grew up in Morgantown, WV, he has long since migrated to sunny California.
Subramani Mani, "A Museum of Memories"
Subramani trained as a physician in India and then moved to the US to pursue graduate studies. Currently, he splits his time between his adopted and native lands. He started writing feeling the urge to share the memories of certain life experiences and perspectives which could not be done within the bounds of normal day-to-day interactions.
William Miller, "An Exorcism"
Bruce Sprang, "A Duet: Morning/Evening Song"
Bruce Spang, former Poet Laureate of Portland, is the author of two novels, The Deception of the Thrush and Those Close Beside Me. His most recent collection of poems, All You’ll Derive: A Caregiver’s Journey, was just published. He’s also published four other books of poems, including To the Promised Land Grocery and Boy at the Screen Door (Moon Pie Press) along with several anthologies and several chapbooks. He is the poetry and fiction editor of the Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine. His poems have been published in Connecticut River Review, Puckerbrush Review, Red Rover Magazine, Great Smokies Review, Kalopsia Literary Journal, Café Review and other journals across the United States. He teaches courses in fiction and poetry at Great Smokies Writing Program at University of North Carolina in Asheville and lives in Candler, NC with his husband Myles Rightmire and their five dogs, five fish, and thirty birds.
Mike Wilson, "J. Edgar Hoover on the Beach, a Dream Poem"
Mike Wilson’s work has appeared in magazines including Amsterdam Quarterly, Mud Season Review, The Pettigru Review, Still: The Journal, The Coachella Review, and in Mike’s book, Arranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic, (Rabbit House Press, 2020), political poetry for a post-truth world. He resides in Lexington, Kentucky, and can be found at
Nick Young, "Nightcrawlers"
Nick Young is a retired award-winning CBS News Correspondent. His writing has appeared in more than two dozen publications including the Pennsylvania Literary Journal, The Garland Lake Review, Potato Soup Journal, The San Antonio Review, The Best of CaféLit 11 and Vols. I and II of the Writer Shed Stories anthologies. He lives outside Chicago.

J.R. Barner, "Einstein-Rosen Bridge"
J.R. Barner is a writer, teacher, and musician living in Athens, Georgia. They are the author of the chapbooks Burnt Out Stars and Thirteen Poems and their collection, Little Eulogies. Their work has appeared in Pinhole Poetry, ONEART, Suburban Witchcraft, Impspired and others, both online and in print. New work is available periodically at
Robert Boucheron, "The Dollhouse"
Robert Boucheron is an architect in Charlottesville, Virginia. His short stories and essays on literature and architecture appear in Alabama Literary Review, Bellingham Review, Fiction International, Saturday Evening Post, and The Smart Set. His flash fiction appears in online magazines.
Allen Seward, "The Killer of Don Quixote"
Allen Seward is a thirty-something writer-thing and mill worker. His work has appeared in Scapegoat Review, DEDpoetry, JAKE, and Buffalo (x8). He currently resides in WV with his partner and four cats. @AllenSeward1 on Twitter @allenseward0 on Instagram.
Timothy Dodd, "The Chapel Wood"
Timothy Dodd is from Mink Shoals, West Virginia and was a member of the last graduating class of Charleston High School. He is the author of short story collections Fissures and Other Stories (Bottom Dog Press), Men in Midnight Bloom (Cowboy Jamboree Press), and Mortality Birds (Southernmost Books, with Steve Lambert), as well as the poetry collection, Modern Ancient (High Window Press). Tim’s stories have appeared in Yemassee, Glassworks Magazine, and Anthology of Appalachian Writers; his poetry in Crab Creek Review, Roanoke Review, Crannog, and elsewhere. Also a visual artist, Tim primarily exhibits his oil paintings in the Philippines. Sample artwork can be found on his Instagram @timothybdoddartwork. His website is
Jack Granath, "from Magic Disappointment"
Richard Hanus, "5255", "5226"
Had four kids but now just three. Zen and Love
Zeke Jarvis, "Programming"
Zeke Jarvis (he/him/his) is a Professor of English at Eureka College. His work has appeared in Moon City Review, Posit, and KNOCK, among other places. His books include, So Anyway..., In A Family Way, The Three of Them, and Antisocial Norms. His website is
Sadie Scotch, "Old Man Salmon"
Sadie Scotch has lived outside her native United States for over 10 years and has been to 77 countries. Her essays have been featured in The Smart Set, Flash Frontier, Salty World and Fertility Road Magazine. You can follow her on Instagram at @lanvife or get in touch at
Sandra Petrova, "The Anxious Mushroom: Anita the Amanita"
Sandra is a creative writer that writes in an attempt to deal with her inner demons. Everything speaks to her, the rocks, the clouds, the flowers, and the stars. She wants to tell their stories in easily digestible pieces of writing and explore the deepest parts of her mind through different magical characters that she always gets attached to.
Ed Ruzicka, "Sunsets Saturday through Thursday"
Ed Ruzicka’s most recent book of poems My Life in Cars investigates the rocky marriage of desire to the American highway. Ed’s poems have appeared in the Atlanta Review, Rattle, Canary, the Xavier Review and many other literary publications. Ed is an occupational therapist who lives with his wife, Renee, in Baton Rouge, LA.
Terry Trowbridge, "Cauliflower Dis Track"
Terry Trowbridge’s poems have appeared in The New Quarterly, Carousel, subTerrain, paperplates, The Dalhousie Review, untethered, Quail Bell, The Nashwaak Review, Orbis, Snakeskin Poetry, Literary Yard, M58, CV2, Brittle Star, Bombfire, American Mathematical Monthly, The Academy of Heart and Mind, Canadian Woman Studies, The Mathematical Intelligencer, The Canadian Journal of Family and Youth, The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, The Beatnik Cowboy, Borderless, Literary Veganism, and more. His lit crit has appeared in Ariel, British Columbia Review, Hamilton Arts & Letters, Episteme, Studies in Social Justice, Rampike, and The /t3mz/ Review. Terry is grateful to the Ontario Arts Council for his first writing grant, and their support of so many other writers during the polycrisis.
Gale Acuff, "Nobody Lives Forever and All Must"
Cathy Adams, "Guarding Gabriella Rhinehart"
Cathy Adams’ latest novel, A Body’s Just as Dead, was published by SFK Press. Her writing has been nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize. She is a short story writer with publications in The Saturday Evening Post, Utne, AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review, Barely South, Five on the Fifth, Southern Pacific Review, and 55 other journals from around the world. She earned her M.F.A. at Rainier Writing Workshop, Pacific Lutheran University, Washington.
Justin Cornell , "Stage Three"
William Doreski, "Some Local Archeology"
William Doreski lives in Peterborough, New Hampshire. He has taught at several colleges and universities. His most recent book of poetry is Dogs Don’t Care (2022). His essays, poetry, fiction, and reviews have appeared in various journals.
George Freek, "I Think of My Death (After Tu Fu)"
Ann Howells, "His Blue Chair Empty"
Ann Howells edited Illya’s Honey for eighteen years. She holds a BS from Shepherd University, with a second major in English and was named a Distinguished Poet of Dallas in 2001. Recent books are: So Long As We Speak Their Names (Kelsay Books, 2019) and Painting the Pinwheel Sky (Assure Press, 2020). Chapbooks Black Crow in Flight and Softly Beating Wings were published through contests. Ann is a multiple Pushcart nominee.
Dana McIntyre, "Shadow Puppet"
Sharon Lopez Mooney, "Orange is Fiesty"
Sharon Lopez Mooney, poet, is a retired Interfaith Chaplain, who worked in the death and dying field, now lives in Mexico on the Sea of Cortez, and visits family in northern California. Mooney received a 1978 CA Arts Council Grant for a rural poetry series; co-published a regional arts journal; co-owned an alternative literature service; produced poetry readings and performances.
Mooney’s poems have been published in: “The MacGuffin, The Muddy River Poetry Review, The Avalon Literary Review, Adelaide International Magazine, Galway Review, Ginosko Literary Journal, California Quarterly, Poetic Medicine, The Ricochet Review, Roundtable Literary Journal, Visible Magazine, NewVerse News, Evening Street Review, Glassworks, Door Is A Jar”, various others; and anthologies: “CALYX: Women and Aging; Cold Lake Anthology; Smoke & Myrrors”(UK), among several others. Published poems are indexed at
Ben Nardolilli, "Always Immersed"
Ben Nardolilli currently lives in New York City. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, Danse Macabre, The 22 Magazine, Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, The Northampton Review, Local Train Magazine, The Minetta Review, and Yes Poetry. He blogs at and is trying to publish his novels.
Greg Sendi, "A Compass for Ariadne"
I'm a Chicago writer and former fiction editor at Chicago Review. My career has included broadcast and trade journalism as well as poetry and fiction. In the past year, my work has appeared or been accepted for publication in a number of literary magazines and online outlets, including Apricity, Beyond Words Literary Magazine, The Briar Cliff Review, Burningword Literary Journal, Clarion, CONSEQUENCE, Flashes of Brilliance, Great Lakes Review, The Headlight Review, The Masters Review, New American Legends, Plume, Pulp Literature, San Antonio Review, Sparks of Calliope, and upstreet.
Eugene Stevenson, "Empty Balcony"
Eugene Stevenson, son of immigrants, father of expatriates, lives in the mountains of western North Carolina USA. An Eisenhower Fellow, Pushcart Prize nominee & author of the chapbook, The Population of Dreams (Finishing Line Press 2022), his poems have appeared in The Hudson Review, In Parentheses, San Pedro River Review, Third Wednesday, Tipton Poetry Journal, & Washington Square Review among others.
Lee Clark Zumpe, "Diverging Threads Originating From A Common Point"
Lee Clark Zumpe, an entertainment columnist with Tampa Bay Newspapers, earned his bachelor’s in English at the University of South Florida. He began writing poetry and fiction in the early 1990s. His work has regularly appeared in a variety of literary journals and genre magazines over the last two decades. Publication credits include Tiferet, Zillah, The Ugly Tree, Modern Drunkard Magazine, Red Owl, Jones Av., Main Street Rag, Space & Time, Mythic Delirium and Weird Tales.

Emily Beane, "Cow Creek Invocation"
Emily Beane is a trans queer Appalachian poet and writer. She is, somewhat accidentally, a lifelong West Virginian, and, quite deliberately, a recent graduate of West Virginia State University. Emily divides her time between work at Charleston’s community radio station WTSQ, and at the Kanawha County Public Library where she frequently recommends Bukowski to patrons.
Justin Cornell , "Nothing"
Timothy Dodd, "Therian"
Timothy Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV, and is the author of Fissures, and Other Stories (Bottom Dog Press). His stories have appeared in Yemassee, Broad River Review, The William & Mary Review, and Anthology of Appalachian Writers; his poetry in The Literary Review, Crab Creek Review, Roanoke Review, and elsewhere. His second collection of stories, Men in Midnight Bloom, is forthcoming (Cowboy Jamboree Press), as are Mortality Birds (with Steve Lambert, Southernmost Books) and his first collection of poetry, Modern Ancient (High Window Press). Find him at
Duane Engelhardt, "The Neon Flamingo Motel"
Duane M. Engelhardt is a new writer and has recently self-published the novella entitled CODE of SILENCE.
After a career spanning such diverse pursuits as CFO of a branch of an international corporation, working on sailboats, managing an art gallery, stage acting, and making furniture, Engelhardt now puts his unique vision of life into photography and writing. When not traveling, he and his wife Kit, live outside of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, with Ziva, a conspicuous and vocal German Shepherd along with Layla, an overstuffed house cat, while working on his novel.
R. Gerry Fabian, "Dark Blue Dolphins"
R. Gerry Fabian is a published poet and novelist. He has published four books of his published poems, Parallels, Coming Out Of The Atlantic, Electronic Forecasts and Ball On The Mound. In addition, he has published four novels : Getting Lucky (The Story), Memphis Masquerade, Seventh Sense and Ghost Girl. He lives in Doylestown, PA. Find him at his web page, Twitter, Linkedin, or Facebook.
Mark J. Mitchell, "Concerning Astronomy"
Mark J. Mitchell was born in Chicago and grew up in southern California. His latest poetry collection, Roshi San Francisco, was just published by Norfolk Publishing. Starting from Tu Fu was recently published by Encircle Publications. He is very fond of baseball, Louis Aragon, Miles Davis, Kafka and Dante. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, the activist and documentarian, Joan Juster where he made his marginal living pointing out pretty things. Now, like everyone else, he’s unemployed. He has published 2 novels and three chapbooks and two full length collections so far. His first chapbook won the Negative Capability Award. Titles on request. A meager online presence can be found here. A primitive web site now exists here. I sometimes tweet here.
LoveChild, "One Last Cigarette"
Zac Walsh, "Dadsome Begat Debussey"
Zac Walsh is the author of An End of Speaking and Love in the Utmost. His work has appeared in journals such as Cimarron Review, Alligator Juniper, Big Lucks, Lime Hawk, Spectre Magazine, Gulf Stream, the DuPage Valley Review and The Platte Valley Review, as well as in the anthologies Blood on the Floor and Small Batch.
Emily Beane, "Sestina III - Montani Semper Liberi", "Sestina X - Coal"
Emily Beane is a trans queer Appalachian poet and writer. She is, somewhat accidentally, a lifelong West Virginian, and, quite deliberately, a recent graduate of West Virginia State University. Emily divides her time between work at Charleston’s community radio station WTSQ, and at the Kanawha County Public Library where she frequently recommends Bukowski to patrons.
Kevin Brown , "Belly Crawlers"
Kevin Brown has published two short story collections, Death Roll and Ink On Wood, and has had Fiction, Non-fiction and Poetry published in over 200 Literary Journals, Magazines and Anthologies. He won numerous writing competitions and was nominated for multiple prizes and awards, including three Pushcart Prizes.
Hugh Cartwright, "Coming of Age"
Formerly a UK-based University scientist, Hugh is now retired. He lives in the Pacific Northwest, where writing provides a diversion from his doomed attempts to grow Canadian oranges. His stories have appeared in Nature Futures, Foxglove Journal, Meniscus, The Drabble, and elsewhere.
Justin Cornell, "Light Study 2"
John Davis, "Prevention"
John Davis is the author of Gigs and The Reservist. His work has appeared recently in DMQ Review, Iron Horse Literary Review and He lives on an island in the Salish Sea and performs in blues bands.
Timothy Dodd, "Southern Gothic VII"
Timothy Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV, and is the author of Fissures, and Other Stories (Bottom Dog Press). His stories have appeared in Yemassee, Broad River Review, Anthology of Appalachian Writers; his poetry in The Literary Review, Crab Creek Review, Roanoke Review, and elsewhere. Also a visual artist, Tim's most recent solo exhibition, Come Here, Nervousness, was held at Art Underground in Manila, Philippines. His oil paintings may be sampled on his Instagram page, @timothybdoddartwork, and his writing on his 'Timothy Dodd, Writer' Facebook page.
Rachel Doherty, "Veiled in White"
Rachel Doherty was born in Portland, Maine. She always had a passion for reading and consuming literature, but it wasn't until she moved to St. George, Utah, that she discovered her love for writing. She considers her career to have started in Elementary school when she started writing her very first story. She now resides in Ithaca, New York, while she studies the fine art of writing.
John Grey, "At The Scene Of A Drowning"
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in Penumbra, Poetry Salzburg Review and Hollins Critic. Latest books, Leaves On Pages and Memory Outside The Head are available through Amazon. Work upcoming in Lana Turner and International Poetry Review.
Jack D. Harvey, "Eternal Return"
Jack D. Harvey’s poetry has appeared in Scrivener, The Comstock Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Typishly Literary Magazine, The Antioch Review and elsewhere. The author has been a Pushcart nominee and over the years has been published in a few anthologies. His book, Mark the Dwarf is available on Kindle.
Ann Howells, "Appalachian Morning"
Ann Howells edited Illya’s Honey for eighteen years, both in print and online. Her most recent books are: So Long As We Speak Their Names (Kelsay Books, 2019) about Chesapeake Bay watermen, and Painting the Pinwheel Sky (Assure Press, 2020) persona poems primarily in the voice of Vincent Van Gogh. Chapbooks include: Black Crow in Flight, published as Editor’s Choice through Main Street Rag’s 2007 competition and Softly Beating Wings, 2017 William D. Barney Competition winner (Blackbead Books). Ann’s work appears in many small press and university journals; she has multiple Pushcart nominations.
Joan Mazza, "Eternal Return"
Joan Mazza worked as a microbiologist and psychotherapist, and taught workshops on understanding dreams and nightmares. She is the author of six books, including Dreaming Your Real Self (Penguin/Putnam). Her poetry has appeared in Crab Orchard Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Prairie Schooner, Adanna Literary Journal, Poet Lore, and The Nation. She lives in rural central Virginia.
Jeremy Szuder, Untitled
Jeremy Szuder (he/him) lives in a tiny apartment with his wife, two children and two cats. He works in the evenings in a very busy restaurant, standing behind a stove, a grill, fyers and heating lamps, happily listening to hours of hand selected music and conjuring ideas for new art and poetry in his head. When his working day ends and he enters his home in the wee hours, he likes to sit down with a glass of wine and record all the various words and images that bear fruit within his mind. Jeremy Szuder only sets the cage doors free when the work begins to pile up too high. In this life, Szuder makes no illusions of being a professional artist in any way, shape, or form.
Lance Nizami, "California Rain"
As of 10 August 2021, Lance Nizami had more than 280 poems in print (not online) in recognized poetry journals, some recent publications being in The Ogham Stone and in Havik.
Lance Jonn Romanoff, "Isn't it Good?"

Velibor Baco, "Porcelain Hope", "Crimson red or the War in Bosnia"
Dan A. Cardoza , "The Flawed Logic of Taming Hunter Spiders"
Dan’s poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have appeared in the Aphelion, BlazeVOX, Bull, Cleaver, Coffin Bell, Door=Jar, Drunken Pen Writing, Entropy, Dark City Magazine, Gravel, Lowestoft Chronicles, Mystery Tribune, New Flash Fiction Review, New Mystics, Poetry Northwest, Spelk, Your Impossible Voice and Best of the Net Anthology Nomination by Coffin Bell Magazine, 2020.
Timothy Dodd, "Discount"
Timothy B. Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV. His stories have appeared in Yemassee, Coe Review, The William & Mary Review, Glassworks Magazine, and elsewhere. His poems appeared in Issue #4 of The Charleston Anvil. He is currently in the MFA program at the University of Texas El Paso.
John Grey, "Meet the Folk"
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in Orbis, Dalhousie Review and Connecticut River Review. Latest book, “Leaves On Pages” is available through Amazon.
Ashley Grimes, "Canvas 5", "Canvas 6"
Ashley Grimes, of After Dark Photography, is a dark boudoir and fine art photographer; based near Ashland Kentucky.
Instagram -
Facebook - afterdarkphotography11
Brucie Jacobs, "Eclipse"
Brucie Jacobs is the author of a memoir, Secret Girl (St. Martin's Press, 2006). Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals, including The Crescent Review, Potomac Review, The Bridge, Potpourri, and Barnabe Mountain Review, as well as The Baltimore Sun. Her chapbook Small Burials was published when she won the fiction competition of Baltimore's Artscape Festival (1998). She received awards for fiction and nonfiction in the Southwest Writers 2002 Literary Contest. Brucie has a BA from Cornell and a JD from Columbia. Originally from Maryland, she lives in Santa Fe, NM where she paints with encaustic and writes.
Lance Nizami, "Rails, Saxony"
As of 6 January 2021, Lance Nizami had more than 280 poems in print (not online) in recognized poetry journals, some recent publications being in Dreich and in Tower Poetry.
Marliee Pritchard, "Reinventing the Wheel"
Marilee Pritchard spent much of her life working a boring day job, so she could write poetry at night. She loves writing, cooking, and playing the piano. She lives in the Chicago suburbs with Tom, her partner, and has previous publications in Paterson Literary Review, Third Wednesday, and Passager.
.John Tustin, "Red Light"
John Tustin's poetry has appeared in many disparate literary journals in the last dozen years. contains links to his published poems online.

Paul Bamberger, "Nuevo Laredo"
I received an MFA Degree in English from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst and have had several books of poetry published, most recently, On The Badlands Of New Times, Deerbrook Editions
Publishing in 2018..
Publishing in 2018..
Rachel Kessler, "Hyperillumination Pt. 1"
Torri Halstead, "Grace"
Torri Halstead is a poet based in Boone County, WV. She writes about her experiences being raised by strong, hard-working, women. She dedicates her poems to the girl that said they were good enough.
John Richard Heath, "The Angola Three"
John Richard Heath teaches at American University in Washington, DC.
Michael Lee Johnson, "July 4th"
Michael Lee Johnson lived 10 years in Canada during the Vietnam era and is a dual citizen of the United States and Canada. Today he is a poet, freelance writer, amateur photographer, and small business owner in Itasca, DuPage County, Illinois. Published in more than 1072 new publications, his poems have appeared in 39 countries, he edits, publishes 10 poetry sites. Johnson has been nominated for 2 Pushcart Prize awards poetry (2015), 1 Best of the Net (2016), 2 Best of the Net (2017), 2 Best of the Net (2018). 207 poetry videos are now on YouTube: Member Illinois State Poetry Society.
Scott Archer Jones, "Why Are So Many of My Friends TeslaKooks?"
David Lewitzky, "Cancer Dancers"
David Lewitzky is an 80 y. o. retired social worker/family therapist living in Buffalo, New York.
He resumed writing poetry in 2002 after a 35 year hiatus. During that tongue-bit time he carried a sandwich board in his head declaring him: "Poet. Not writing!"
He's had about 125 poems published in a variety of litmags such as Seneca Review, Nimrod and Passages North; and he has work forthcoming in Slipstream, Main Street Rag and Slant among others.
Japhy Mitchell, "These Glasses Make Me Look Beautiful"
Japhy Mitchell is a poet and librarian who lives with his dog Tarkovsky. His poems have been or scheduled to be published in several print and online publications, including Spiralbridge, Scissors & Spackle, BlogNostics, streetcake, Door is Ajar, The Daily Drunk, Trouvaille Review and The Legendary.You can follow him on instagram @poetjaphymitchell
Robert Mitchell, "More Guitar"
KRobert Mitchell is a working, published musician, film editor and songwriter, living in NYC.
Due to the pandemic, Mitchell has redirected his story telling focus towards the adventurousness of short form fiction.
Robert's stories have very recently been published in: Rejected Manuscripts, The Literary Yard, The Reflex Press,
and The Galway Review.
Bennie Rosa, "Dead Husband Money"
Leah Holbrook Sackett, "Peanut Butter Incubus"
Bobbi Sinha-Morey, "Message From a Butterfly"
Bobbi Sinha-Morey's poetry has appeared in a wide variety of places such as Plainsongs, Pirene's Fountain, The Wayfarer, Helix Magazine, Miller's Pond, The Tau, VIta Brevis, Cascadia Rising Review, Old Red Kimono, and Woods Reader. Her books of poetry are available at and her work has been nominated for Best of the Net in 2015 and the Best of the Net 2018 Anthology Awards hosted by Sundress Publications. Her website is located at

Robert Beveridge, "A Quick Memory"
Robert Beveridge (he/him) makes noise ( and writes poetry in Akron, OH. Recent/upcoming appearances in The Virginia Normal, Credo Espoir, and Chiron Review, among others.
Justin Cornell, Untitled
Holly Day, "Off the Record", "Fallow"
Holly Day’s poetry has recently appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, Grain, and Harvard Review. Her newest poetry collections are In This Place, She Is Her Own (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press), A Wall to Protect Your Eyes (Pski’s Porch Publishing), Folios of Dried Flowers and Pressed Birds (, Where We Went Wrong (Clare Songbirds Publishing), Into the Cracks (Golden Antelope Press), and Cross Referencing a Book of Summer (Silver Bow Publishing), while her newest nonfiction books are Music Theory for Dummies and Tattoo FAQ.
DC Diamondopolous, "1957"
DC Diamondopolous is an award-winning short story and flash fiction writer with over 175 stories published internationally in print and online magazines, literary journals, and anthologies. DC's stories have appeared in: 34th Parallel, So It Goes: The Literary Journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, Lunch Ticket, Raven Chronicles, Silver Pen, Front Porch Review, and many others. DC was nominated for Best of the Net Anthology. She lives on the California central coast with her wife and animals.
Dan Gallagher, "Studies of My Cat"
Kara Goughnour, "We Try to Find our Love in the Sky but Get Lost in the Clouds", "Victory Garden"
Kara Goughnour is a writer living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They are the author of Mixed Tapes, a part of the Ghost City Press Summer 2019 Micro-Chap Series. They are the recipient of the 2018 Gerald Stern Poetry Award, and have work published or forthcoming in The Bitchin' Kitsch, Third Point Press, and over fifty others. Follow them on Twitter and Instagram @kara_goughnour or read their collected and exclusive works at
John Grey, "Being Replaced"
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in That, Dalhousie Review and North Dakota Quarterly with work upcoming in Qwerty, Chronogram and failbetter.
Norbert Kovacs, "The Cook"
Norbert Kovacs lives and writes in Hartford, Connecticut. He has published stories in Westview, Thin Air, STORGY, Corvus Review, and The Write Launch. His website is
Leslie Kvaki, "Home"
Leslie Kvaki is a Knight of the Golden Horseshoe.
Kenneth N. Margolin, "Proof of Character"
Kenneth N. Margolin is a retired attorney, father of two daughters, and lives with his wife Judith, in Newton, Massachusetts. During his career, Ken made it a sacred mission to avoid legalese in his professional writing. Still relatively new to fiction, Ken's stories have been published online and in print, in Short Edition, aka, Short Circuit #01, Evening Street Review, Twenty-Two Twenty-Eight, among others; poetry in Shot Glass Journal.
Rachel McKenzie, "Sobriety’s First Call"
Ian Rogers, "The Parsec Gambit"
David Romanda, "Sell Myself?"
David Romanda lives in Kawasaki City, Japan. His work has appeared in Gargoyle Magazine, Hawaii Review, The Main Street Rag, PANK, and Puerto del Sol.
Robert Ronnow, "Mirrors"
Robert Ronnow's most recent poetry collections are New & Selected Poems: 1975-2005 (Barnwood Press, 2007) and Communicating the Bird (Broken Publications, 2012). Visit his web site at
RV Scaramella, "Flashlights and a Soup Can"
RV Scaramella lives and works and writes from a small farm town on the rolling plains of Oklahoma.

Mae Ashley, "Can a Red Herring Be Invisible?"
L. Ward Abel, "Pilgrim"
L. Ward Abel, poet, composer, teacher, retired lawyer, lives in rural Georgia, has been published hundreds of times in print and online, and is the author of one full collection and eleven chapbooks of poetry, including Jonesing For Byzantium (UK Authors Press, 2006), American Bruise (Parallel Press, 2012), Cousins Over Colder Fields (Finishing Line Press, 2013), Little Town gods (Folded Word Press, 2016), A Jerusalem of Ponds (erbacce-Press, 2016), Digby Roundabout (Kelsay Books, 2017), and The Rainflock Sings Again (Unsolicited Press, 2019).
Rana Bitar, "Crush"
Rana Bitar is a physician in the fields of hematology and oncology. Medicine is her profession but poetry is her passion. She earned her Master’s in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University in January of 2017. Her poetry has appeared in The Deadly Writers Patrol journal, DoveTales journal, Earthen Lamp Journal, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Magnolia Review, El Portal journal, and Pacific Review journal. Her Poetry chapbook A Loaf Of Bread was published by Unsolicited Press, January 8, 2019.
Holly Day, "Sunshine" and "I Open My Eyes to Dark"
Holly Day’s poetry has recently appeared in Plainsongs, The Long Islander, and The Nashwaak Review. Her newest poetry collections are In This Place, She Is Her Own (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press), A Wall to Protect Your Eyes (Pski’s Porch Publishing), Folios of Dried Flowers and Pressed Birds (, Where We Went Wrong (Clare Songbirds Publishing), and Into the Cracks(Golden Antelope).
Judy DeCroce, "Before and After"
Judy DeCroce is a poet / flash fiction writer and animal lover. She has been published in Plato's Cave online, Pilcrow & Dagger, Amethyst Review, The Sunlight Press, and many others. She is a professional storyteller and teacher of that genre. Judy lives and works in upstate New York with her husband writer/artist Antoni Ooto.
William Doreski, "Nissaka (after Hiroshige)" and "The Itch Return"
J L Higgs, "The Meaning of Life"
J L Higgs' short stories typically focus on life from the perspective of a black American. He has had over 40 publications and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Magazines publishing his work include Indiana Voice Journal, The Writing Disorder, Contrary Magazine, Rigorous, Literally Stories, and The Remembered Arts Journal.
Corey Hill, "How to Make Friends"
Corey Hill is a human rights activist, journalist, parent, and occasional tree climber. His journalism has been featured in The Independent, Yes! Magazine, Earth Island Journal, and others. His fiction has been featured in the Sierra Nevada Review, Antithesis, Prole, and others.
Saloni Kaul, "Fairy Penguins All Enchant"
Saloni Kaul, author and poet, was first published at the age of ten and has stayed in print since on four continents. As critic and columnist Saloni has enjoyed forty two years of being published. Saloni Kaul's first volume, a fifty poem collection was published in the USA in 2009. Subsequent volumes include Universal One and Essentials All. Saloni Kaul is also an accomplished broadcaster, writer-producer-presenter with innumerable documentaries and features to her credit. Most recent Saloni Kaul poetic production has been published in The Horrorzine, Mad Swirl (contains ongoing Saloni Kaul poetry page), The Penwood Review, The Voices Project, Scarlet Leaf Review, OVI Magazine, Five 2 One Journal, The City Poetry, The Lake, House Of Horror Glitter & Words, The Whimperbang Journal, Mantis, The Paragon Press Journal and The Imaginate. Upcoming publication acceptances include those of The Penwood Review, Scarlet Leaf Review, OVI, The Horrorzine, Amulet Poetry Magazine and Mystical Muse Magazine.
Lisa Hayes-Minney, "Little One"
Lisa Hayes-Minney is a small-town librarian who recently earned her M.F.A. in Creative Writing from West Virginia Wesleyan College. She has received awards from the WV Press Association and West Virginia Writers, Inc. and her writing has appeared in Two-Lane Livin’ Magazine, GreenPrints Magazine, Wonderful West Virginia Magazine, Memoir Magazine, Entropy Magazine, and other publications. She and her husband, Frank, live on a secluded farm where they enjoy organic gardening, keep honey bees, and raise free-range hens. For more information visit
Antoni Ooto, "Figure Study Class"
Antoni Ooto, a poet/flash fiction writer came to writing late after many years as an abstract expressionist artist. Through studying/reading many poets, he eventually found his voice and his works now appear in Front Porch Review, Amethyst Review, Pilcrow & Dagger, Red Eft Review, Young Ravens Literary Review, and many others. Antoni lives and works in upstate New York with his wife storyteller/poet, Judy DeCroce.
Fabrice Poussin, "Pages"
Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and many other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications.
Samantha Roman, "Clutch"
Samantha Roman is an artist masquerading as an adult. She lives in New Haven, CT working a "real job" by day and doing illustration/character design by night. She's a big nerd. Even her cats think so. Her website is
Samuel Swauger, "Playground"
Samuel Swauger is an author and poet from Baltimore, Maryland. His work appears in magazines such as Wordgathering, Bandit Fiction, and the Front Porch Review. His website is and his Twitter is @samuelswauger.
John Tustin, "The Fog"
John Tustin is currently suffering in exile on the island of Elba but hopes to return to you soon. contains links to his published poems online.

C.G. Aaron, "The Besoco Snallygaster"
C.G. Aaron writes weird stories and other speculative nonsense. You can follow him on twitter: @cgaaronwrites
Ace Boggess, "Fireworks Through a Gap in the Trees" and "Snake Eyes"
Ace Boggess is the author of two books of poetry: The Prisoners (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2014) and The Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Fulfilled (Highwire Press, 2003). His novel, A Song without a Melody, is forthcoming from Hyperborea Publishing. His writing has appeared in Harvard Review, Mid-American Review, RATTLE, River Styx, North Dakota Quarterly and many other journals. He lives in Charleston, West Virginia.Ace Boggess is the author of two books of poetry: The Prisoners (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2014) and The Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Fulfilled (Highwire Press, 2003). His novel, A Song without a Melody, is forthcoming from Hyperborea Publishing. His writing has appeared in Harvard Review, Mid-American Review, RATTLE, River Styx, North Dakota Quarterly and many other journals. He lives in Charleston, West Virginia.
Joshua Beane, "All Hers"
Joshua Beane is a lifelong resident of West Virginia and a current resident of Charleston. He is a full time student, a poet and DJ with WTSQ.
Elise Bischoff, "Rooted"
Robert E. Bischoff, "ICE STORM - Durham CT, 1984"
Glen Brogan, "Statue"
Roxanne Cardona, "Nothing More"
Roxanne Cardona was born in New York City. She has had poems published in Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine and West View. She studied with Philip Schultz in his Master Class, Writers Studio, NYC for over ten years and currently, Jennifer Franklin, HVWC, NY. She has a BA and MS from Hunter College, MS from the College of New Rochelle. She was an elementary school teacher and principal in the South Bronx. Roxanne resides in Teaneck, NJ with her husband.
Justin Cornell, "The Spirit of Appalachia"
Susanna Holstein, "Morning Weather Report"
LoveChild, "Sanders"
Ben Nardolilli, "Popular Nights, Popular Rites"
Ben Nardolilli currently lives in New York City. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, Danse Macabre, The 22 Magazine, Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, fwriction, Inwood Indiana, Pear Noir, The Minetta Review, and Yes Poetry. He blogs at and is looking to publish a novel.
Samantha Roman, Untitled works
Samantha Roman is an artist masquerading as an adult. She lives in New Haven, CT working a "real job" by day and doing illustration/character design by night. She's a big nerd. Even her cats think so. Her website is
Gabriel Sage, "Domestic Momentum"
In the process of surrendering to his eccentricities, Gabriel Sage became a fugitive from the Los Angeles vogue. He is a student of English Literature and a troubadour of poetry and prose. Wearing strange thoughts on his heart sleeve for the world to see, he takes his chances feeling sorry for everyone playing it safe; and writes for the unspeakably beautiful souls who - never awarded the opportunity to dream without sleeping - have tragically adopted a sort of peaceful complacency, for fear of risking it all trying to manifest bliss. In his early, formative, salad days, Gabriel's father gave him a book of poetry by Charles Bukowski and from that point on nothing was the same for him. What sparked a voracious appetite for reading, evolved into an affinity for the written word, and led Gabriel to become both a student of English Literature and a writer. One word at a time, he hopes to create a body of work that will create passion in the world, the same way that first book of poems did for him. In an attempt to bridge the ever widening divide between the literary intellectual studying classical structure and verse with the raw artist who embodies modernity by painting poetry on city walls, Gabriel Sage’s work attempts to speak to the array of readers that exist today. With a deep appreciation for the seminal authors that shaped the craft of writing, Gabriel hopes to fuse both traditional and contemporary forms to create a unique view of the world that can only be achieved by a millennial living neck deep in the sludge of today’s strange culture.
Julie Wu, "Detroit: A Psychopathic Geography"
Julie Wu writes zines about music, geography, and more. Find her recent work on Medium @LSZines or email her for older zines.

Joshua Beane, "Settled Down"
Joshua Beane is a lifelong resident of West Virginia and a current resident of Charleston. He is a full time student, a poet and DJ with WTSQ.
Gaby Bedetti, "Nervous Habits"
Born in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, Gaby Bedetti is a long time professor at Eastern Kentucky University. She wrote these poems while at the Appalachian Writers Workshop, as a student of Marc Harshman. Her poems have appeared in Off the Coast, The Voices Project, Ekphrastic Review, Lexington’s poetry blog (, and other places.
Justin Cornell, "Figura Baffometi"
Timothy B. Dodd, "Love During Wartime" and "The Swineherd's Wine"
Timothy B. Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV. His stories have appeared in Yemassee, Coe Review, The William & Mary Review, Glassworks Magazine, and elsewhere. His poems appeared in Issue #4 of The Charleston Anvil. He is currently in the MFA program at the University of Texas El Paso.
Thomas Elson, "Don't Want Much"
Thomas Elson’s short stories, poetry, and flash fiction have been published in the United States, Ireland, Canada, England, and Wales in such journals as the Pennsylvania Literary Journal, Lunaris Journal, The New Ulster, The Lampeter, Blood & Bourbon, and Adelaide Literary Magazine.
Leah Gore, "Bela Lugosi's Dead"
Mark Johnson, "Love in the Drive-thru Outside My Apartment Window"
Layla Lenhardt, "Great American Haunt"
Layla Lenhardt is founder and Editor-in-Chief of 1932 Quarterly. Her recent poetry has been featured in Brine, Third Wednesday, Belle Ombre, and Rag Queen Periodical to name a few. She currently lives in Indianapolis with her partner and three cats.
Sheree La Puma, "Great American Haunt"
Sheree is an award-winning author/producer. She holds an MFA in critical studies & writing from California Institute of The Arts and has published articles/fiction/books on a myriad of topics.
Her flash fiction piece, 'Assumptions' is featured in the July, 5th issue of Burningword literary journal and “Little Bird” is forthcoming in the I-70 Review.
Jessica Simpkiss, "Bonen in the Blood"
Jessica Simpkiss lives and works in Virginia Beach, Virginia with her husband and daughter. She studied Art History at George Mason University. She is currently an associate editor with the literary magazine 1932 Quarterly. Her work has most recently been published or is forthcoming in the Hartskill Review, Zimbell House Anthologies, The Write Launch, The West Trade Review, The Dead Mule for Southern Literature, The Bookends Review and the Virginia Literary Journal, amongst others. Find more of her work by visiting
J. J. Steinfeld, "The Retired Break-and-Enter Man’s Last Act," "A Hungry Creature That Hates Fast Food," "Disrupting Chronology and Definitions," and "Showing Off for Mortals"
Canadian fiction writer, poet, and playwright J. J. Steinfeld lives on Prince Edward Island, where he is patiently waiting for Godot’s arrival and a phone call from Kafka. While waiting, he has published nineteen books, including Identity Dreams and Memory Sounds (Poetry, Ekstasis Editions, 2014), Madhouses in Heaven, Castles in Hell (Stories, Ekstasis Editions, 2015), An Unauthorized Biography of Being (Stories, Ekstasis Editions, 2016), Absurdity, Woe Is Me, Glory Be (Poetry, Guernica Editions, 2017), and A Visit to the Kafka Café (Poetry, Ekstasis Editions, 2018). His short stories and poems have appeared in numerous periodicals and anthologies internationally, and over fifty of his one-act plays and a handful of full-length plays have been performed in Canada and the United States.

Lenore S. Beadsman, "A Sonnet to the Siren Ameli", "White sweater, pierced lips, very dizzy", and "A Sonnet to the Siren Perepetuya"
Robert Beveridge, "Promise/Threat" and "Two of Swords",
Robert Beveridge makes noise ( and writes poetry in Akron, OH. Recent/upcoming appearances in Savant-Garde, Other People's Flowers, and The Indiana Horror Review, among others.
Daniel Coffield, "A Cloudless Sky"
Jonathan Cooper, "Trees"
Jonathan Cooper's poems and essays have appeared in various publications including New Plains Review, Tower Journal, The Statesman Journal, and Commonline Journal. He lives in Vancouver, Canada.
Justin Cornell, Untitled Illustration and "The Service"
Timothy Dodd, "The Swineherd’s Wine"
Timothy B. Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV. His stories have appeared in Yemassee, Coe Review, The William & Mary Review, Glassworks Magazine, and elsewhere. His poems appeared in Issue #4 of The Charleston Anvil. He is currently in the MFA program at the University of Texas El Paso.
Andrea Fekete, "Women Cry in Cars"
Andrea Fekete's debut novel "Waters Run Wild" (2010 Sweetgum Press) is a work of historical fiction about the coal mine wars of West Virginia. She has one poetry chapbook, "I Held a Morning" (2012 Finishing Line Press). Her work has appeared in such publications as: "Borderlands---Texas Poetry Review", "ABZ Journal", "The Kentucky Review", "The Montucky Reivew," And most recently, in an anthology of out of WVU Press titled "Eyes Glowing at the Edge of the Woods: Contemporary Fiction & Poetry from West Virginia." She sometimes teaches writing to college students. She notices she has far fewer friends since she got sober but happily resides in West Virginia anyway with her adopted street-cat Nosey, who also, incidentally, has sworn off booze as well.
Harshman’s full-length collection of poems, WOMAN IN A RED ANORAK, has won the Blue Lynx Prize and will be published in 2018 by Lynx House/University of Washington Press. His fourteenth children’s book, FALLINGWATER..., co-written with Anna Smucker, was published by Roaring Brook/Macmillan in 2017. His poetry collection, BELIEVE WHAT YOU CAN, was published in 2016 by West Virginia University Press and won the Weatherford Award from the Appalachian Studies Association. Poems have been anthologized by Kent State University, the University of Iowa, University of Georgia, and the University of Arizona. He is the seventh poet laureate of West Virginia.
M T Ingoldby, "Some Dare Call It Treason"
Matt Ingoldby works as a copywriter in the UK. His stories have appeared in Litro, The Pennsylvania Literary Journal, The Next Review, Existeré, Octavius, Crimson Streets, Story & Grit, and one or two anthologies, working his way up to a novel. He is an active member of the Waterloo Theatre Group, and a keen runner. He currently lives in London
Scott Archer Jones, "Bear Among the Dogs"
Scott Archer Jones is currently living and working on his fifth novel and second novella in northern New Mexico, after stints in the Netherlands, Scotland and Norway plus less exotic locations. He’s worked for a power company, grocers, a lumberyard, an energy company (for a very long time), and a winery. He has launched three books. Jupiter and Gilgamesh, a Novel of Sumeria and Texas in 2014, The Big Wheel in 2015, and a rising tide of people swept away in March 2016.
Roger Leege, "Canned Cool"
Heather L. Noble, "Striking"
Heather L. Noble has published in journals such as San Diego Poetry Annual, Magee Park Poets Anthology Carlsbad, CA, The Charleston Anvil, Summer Rain and Confluence, among others. She is the recipient of the Dana Rymer Patterson Poetry Prize, the Emerson Poetry Prize and the ECC East Coast Colleges’ Best Collection of Short Stories and Poetry Award.

C.G. Aaron, "New Welch"
C.G. Aaron writes weird stories and other speculative nonsense. You can follow him on twitter: @cgaaronwrites
Sam Beller, "The Story of the King Who Had a Curse Put on Him by a Forest"
Sam Beller is a Software Engineer living in Cambridge, MA. His work has previously appeared in the Charleston Anvil.
Mark Blaeuer, "The Facts of Life"
Mark Blaeuer lives near Hot Springs, Arkansas. His poems have appeared in several dozen journals and in a 2014 collection, Fragments of a Nocturne.
Justin Cornell, "Untitled" and "The Tale of Malikmammad"
Jenifer DeBellis, "minor characters."
Metro Detroit Freelance Writer Jenifer DeBellis is Pink Panther Magazine’s Executive Editor and Director for the Detroit Writers' Guild. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing from Solstice of Pine Manor College. A former writer-in-residence for the Meadow Brook Writing Project, she facilitates workshops for Oakland University’s MBWP Writing Camps. JDB teaches writing and literature for Saginaw Valley State University and Macomb Community College. When she's not editing or writing for others, she sneaks in time for her own craft, which appears in the Aurorean, AWP's Festival Writer, the Good Men Project, Literary Orphans, Sliver of Stone, Solstice Literary Magazine, and other fine journals.
William Doreski, "Some Dare Call It Treason", "Little Brown Bottle", "Like a Clyfford Still Painting", and "The Bruise of the Cosmos"
Tate Geborkoff, "Sunday Morning"
Tate A. Geborkoff is a queer poet and playwright working and living in Chicago. Their poetry has appeared in Juked, the virtual artist collective, Thank You For Swallowing, Birch Gang Review, Words + Pictures, Curbside Splendor, The Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review and Burningword Literary Journal. They were nominated for Best New Work/New Adaptation at the 2015 BroadwayWorld Chicago Awards and were selected as a semifinalist for the National Playwrights Conference.
John Grey, "WHERE I LIVE"
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in Front Range Review, Studio One and Columbia Review with work upcoming in Naugatuck River Review, Abyss and Apex and Midwest Quarterly.
R. E Hengsterman, "Polaroid"
R. E Hengsterman is a Pushcart-nominated writer, film photographer and flawed human who deconstructs the human experience through images and words. He writes under the Carolina blue sky. You can see more of his work at and find him on Twitter at @rehengsterman.
Murad Jalilov, "The Tale of Malikmammad"
Murad Jalilov has recently graduated with BAs in English and Political Science at Emporia State University and is a graduate student in the MA program in Russian and Eastern European Studies at University of Oregon. His translations were published in Origins Journal and OCCULUM and accepted for publication in Ezra: A Journal of Translations, Ezra | An Online Journal of Translation, "Three Drops From A Caudron."
Scott Archer Jones, "The Love Song of Freddy Two-Stroke McFall"
H.S. Leigh Koonce, "Beats"
H.S. Leigh Koonce is a sixth generation West Virginian. He is a freelance journalist who writes from Jefferson County.
Roger Leege, "Moving In"
Richard King Perkins II, "Grease Poet", "Sailing to Bermuda", "Calyx of Uprisen Sun", and "The Last Rays of the Sun"
Richard King Perkins II is a state-sponsored advocate for residents in long-term care facilities. He lives in Crystal Lake, IL, USA with his wife, Vickie and daughter, Sage. He is a three-time Pushcart, Best of the Net and Best of the Web nominee whose work has appeared in more than a thousand publications
Fabrice Poussin, "Mother", "By The Door", and "Frogs of a Faraway Land"
Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and dozens of other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review and more than 200 other publications.
Luke Samra, "Down South"
Terry Sanville, "Seven Fields"
Terry Sanville lives in San Luis Obispo, California with his artist-poet wife (his in-house editor) and one skittery cat (his in-house critic). He writes full time, producing short stories, essays, poems, and novels. Since 2005, his short stories have been accepted by more than 250 literary and commercial journals, magazines, and anthologies including The Potomac Review, The Bitter Oleander, Shenandoah, and The Saturday Evening Post. He was nominated twice for Pushcart Prizes for his stories “The Sweeper” and “The Garage.” Terry is a retired urban planner and an accomplished jazz and blues guitarist – who once played with a symphony orchestra backing up jazz legend George Shearing.
Anna Schles, "2025"
Anna Schles, a proud Charlestonian and West Virginian, is a 2014 graduate of Charleston Catholic High School. She is a senior at West Virginia University studying English and History. When she is not writing, she can be found listening to the Beatles, studying, reading, making short films, playing chess, or drawing, sometimes all at the same time. Her main talent is being droll, although she is also gifted at wearing outlandish hats, catching computers on fire, and spelling.
N. K. Valek, "The Tale of Malikmammad"
N. K. Valek is an aspiring novelist and poet pursuing a Major in English and minors in Creative Writing, Anthropology, Music, and Philosophy at Emporia State University. She also worked as an editor of the Flint Hill’s Review 2016 edition and is a former Writing Partner from Emporia State University’s Writing Center. She has published in OCCULUM journal, and accepted for publication in "Three Drops from A Cauldron."
Jeffrey Webb, "Man Enough"
Ronald Wolff, "Untitled"
Ronald Wolff retired in 2011 following a career of thirty-plus years in the nonprofit sector. His final position was President/CEO of an organization providing services to adults with developmental disabilities. In retirement, he focuses his energy on creative writing, photography, and exercise. Wolff has written two novels, and eight of his short stories have been published in literary magazines or anthologies. He lives in Claremont, California.

Ace Boggess, "Recording Studio", "Am I Going to Find My Treasure?", "White Line Fever", "Keep the
Change", and "Will You Drown My Scream?"
Ace Boggess is the author of two books of poetry: The Prisoners (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2014) and The Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Fulfilled (Highwire Press, 2003). His novel, A Song without a Melody, is forthcoming from Hyperborea Publishing. His writing has appeared in Harvard Review, Mid-American Review, RATTLE, River Styx, North Dakota Quarterly and many other journals. He lives in Charleston, West Virginia.
Don Brogan, "Headshots"
Glen Brogan, "Peace"
Thomas Collins, "Faulty Wiring"
Justin Cornell, Untitled Pieces
Thomas Collins, "Faulty Wiring"
Timothy B. Dodd, "Shiftwalker", "The Devil’s Friend", "Caveblind", "Long Past the Third Day"
Timothy B. Dodd is from Mink Shoals, WV, and graduated from Charleston High School in 1989. His poetry has appeared in The Roanoke Review, Stonecoast Review, Ellipsis, Broad River Review, and elsewhere. His stories have appeared in Yemassee, Coe Review, The William & Mary Review, and many others.
Torri Halstead, "Happy as a Sham", "Heart of Gold"
Most Exalted, "Untitled"
Randall Nichols, "I Don’t Miss the Green"
Heather Noble, "Forever Corn", "Ame Damnee"
Danos Philopoulos, "The Origin of Legend"
Damianos 'Danos' Philopoulos resides in Athens, Greece and while he studied economics, his main interest lies in the pursuit of his creative passions of art, illustration and storytelling. He has previously contributed short stories and illustrations for various small press anthologies and publishers.
Ian Rogers, "I Got Yelled At in the Books-A-Million Café For Reading a Sex Scene"
Ian Rogers is a graduate of Bennington College who writes and organizes mail-order art swaps in his spare time. In the past he's worked as a housepainter, an ESL teacher, a remover of underwater milfoil, a sleep-study research participant, a gardener, a technical writer, a science lab assistant, and a facial cream salesman; at present he's at work on a novel about English teachers in corporate Japan who slack off a lot at their jobs. He blogs about the hazards faced by creative people with day jobs at
Anna Schles, "Invasion", "I Accept That We Only Have So Much Time Together", "Are We The Ones Who Wait?", and "King Hal, Beef Jerky, and the Meaning of Life"
Anna Schles, a proud Charlestonian and West Virginian, is a 2014 graduate of Charleston Catholic High School. She is a junior at West Virginia University studying English and History. When she is not writing, she can be found listening to the Beatles, studying, reading, making short films, playing chess, or drawing, sometimes all at the same time. Her main talent is being droll, although she is also gifted at wearing outlandish hats, catching computers on fire, and spelling.
Bennet Siffrin, "The Executioner’s Nocturne", "Monkey Bars and Creek Beds"
Bennet Siffrin grew up in Wetzel County. He is a Marshall University graduate and currently lives in Charleston. He gives his thanks to Jerry Rea Ellis for being an inspiration and a good friend.
Laszlo Tamasfi, "The Stowaway"
Laszlo Tamasfi writes a weekly webcomic at
Akhmad Yusuf Marzuki Wijaya, "The Stowaway"
Akhmad Yusuf Marzuki Wijaya is a comic artist working mostly on sequential pencils art. He lives in Surabaya, Indonesia. You can see more of his work at his gallery

Lost Arno, "The Cry" and "Oswald"
Lost Arno is a comic book artist living in France. He worked for InComics and Red Leaf Comics.
His work can be seen at http://lostarno.deviantart. com/.
Terry Bartley, "Growth"
Terry Bartley is an avid board gamer and longtime comic book reader. He recently completed his Bachelors Degree in English Literature from the University of Phoenix. He is currently working on a comic book mini-series called Quest for Fame, about a wannabe pop star in a traditionally fantasy world. On the personal side, Terry is also trying to check off life goals from his list of 30 things to finish before he turns 30 before his birthday in June. These things include writing and recording an album, self-publishing his own comic and running a marathon.
Sam Beller, Untitled Pieces
Justin Cornell, "Ana Falz Paper Doll"
Don Brogan, "Music Day"
Perry Bennett, "Judgey Byrd"
Steven Cline, "Bored Gods"
Joshua Didriksen, "Fabulous Meat City 1", "Fabulous Meat City 6", and "Fabulous Meat City 8"
E.T. Dollman, "Aenictus Gigantus"
E.T. Dollman is an Italian letterer and designer. He has lettered comics for Image Comics, AC Comics, Arcana, Moonstone Books ,and Big Dog Ink. More information and samples of his work can be found at
Brooklyn Ewing of Dirt Candy Photography, "Dope"
Andrea Fekete, "Husband Yells at His Wife on the Beach"
Andrea Fekete's debut novel "Waters Run Wild" (2010 Sweetgum Press) is a work of historical fiction about the coal mine wars of West Virginia. She has one poetry chapbook, "I Held a Morning" (2012 Finishing Line Press).
Her work has appeared in such publications as: "Borderlands---Texas Poetry Review", "ABZ Journal", "The Kentucky Review", "The Montucky Reivew," And most recently, in an anthology of out of WVU Press titled "Eyes Glowing at the Edge of the Woods: Contemporary Fiction & Poetry from West Virginia."
She sometimes teaches writing to college students. She notices she has far fewer friends since she got sober but happily resides in West Virginia anyway with her adopted street-cat Nosey, who also, incidentally, has sworn off booze as well.
Fishspit, "A Swim in Your Drink!"
Gabriel Fix, "Pibe No"
Brian Gilman, "Aenictus Gigantus"
Brian Gilman is a professional illustrator and concept artist working in comics and video game art. Find out more about his art at
Torri Halstead, "Masons"
Kevin Learn, "Fear of Love"
Dirt Lux, "Purple People"
Randall Nichols, "Scars."
Heather Noble, "Suburban Camouflage" and "Treacle"
Eric N. Peterson, "People Eaters"
Kayleigh Phillips, "Peasant’s Revolt"
Kayleigh Phillips is a freelance graphic designer, sign painter and illustrator from Charleston, WV.
Debra Rayhill, Untitled Pieces
instagram: @astronautfalcon
Ian Rogers, "On the Rationality of Couplehood"
Ian Rogers is a graduate of Bennington College who writes and organizes mail-order art swaps in his spare time. In the past he's worked as a housepainter, an ESL teacher, a remover of underwater milfoil, a sleep-study research participant, a gardener, a technical writer, a science lab assistant, and a facial cream salesman; at present he's at work on a novel about English teachers in corporate Japan who slack off a lot at their jobs. He blogs about the hazards faced by creative people with day jobs at
Devan Rollyson, "Junebug"
Steve Rupp, "Self Portrait"
Anna Schles, "Before there was a you or a me", "I must work to forget you", "Screaming Eyeless Monster", and "Halloween"
Anna Schles, a proud Charlestonian and West Virginian, is a 2014 graduate of Charleston Catholic High School. She is a junior at West Virginia University studying English and History. When she is not writing, she can be found listening to the Beatles, studying, reading, making short films, playing chess, or drawing, sometimes all at the same time. Her main talent is being droll, although she is also gifted at wearing outlandish hats, catching computers on fire, and spelling.
Nellie Seuss, "Grandma Wrecked My Tricycle" and "The Cookie Grandma Made"
Bennet Siffrin, "Where He Lacks in Sin, I Indulge in Imbalance", "Cornucopia to the Siren", "Concussion Parade", and "Goodnight, Driftless Hellkite"
Bennet Siffrin grew up in Wetzel County. He is a Marshall University graduate and currently lives in Charleston. He gives his thanks to Jerry Rea Ellis for being an inspiration and a good friend.
Jacob Slater, "A Memory From Before the Flood"
Raye Trippett is a senior art student at Fairmont State University.
Website: rayetrippett
M. Lynne Squires, "On Reading Her Work"
A native West Virginian award-winning author, M. Lynne Squires primarily writes creative non-fiction. Her memoir Letters to My Son – Reflections of Urban Appalachia at Mid-Century is a different perspective of Appalachian living during the mid-20th century years. It is a fascinating glimpse into perhaps the most mislabeled population in America – Urban Appalachians.
Her next book Mid-Century Recipes from Cocktails to Comfort Food, is scheduled for release in October 2016, features recipes for dishes and libations that were trending mid-century.
A member of the WV Book Team for the Charleston Gazette Mail, she regularly reviews works by West Virginia authors. She is the author of Looking Back, a monthly column in Charleston Home and Living magazine. Her blog The View from My Cup features reflective little musings that remind us that every cup has a story!
Marcus E.T., "Fear of Love" and "Prayers for a Son"
Bio: Marcus E.T. has been passionate about writing sci-fi and fantasy since he was eight years old. Writing short comics and prose in his spare time and submitting them to anyone willing to read them, he seeks to educate, inspire, and entertain with his stories, just as he was by the stories from his childhood.
Laszlo Tamasfi, "The Cry", "Oswald", and "The Embrace"
Laszlo Tamasfi writes a weekly webcomic at
Marta Tanrikulu, "Aenictus Gigantus"
Marta Tanrikulu is a writer and editor of stories in various genres. Her work has appeared in anthologies published by Red Stylo Media, GrayHaven, Aazurn, Stache, and others. A list of titles can be found at
Raye Trippett, "Reminiscing Old Lovers" and "these are the ways that you’ll be okay"
Raye Trippett is a senior art student at Fairmont State University.
Website: rayetrippett
Sarah Ann Waldron, "Empathy of the Addicted"
Instagram: @mary_jane_in_wonderland
Akhmad Yusuf Marzuki Wijaya, "The Embrace"
Akhmad Yusuf Marzuki Wijaya is a comic artist working mostly on sequential pencils art. He lives in Surabaya, Indonesia. You can see more of his work at his gallery
Nicole Yurcaba, "Climbing the Rocks at Dolly Sods"
Nicole Yurcaba is a Ukrainian-American writer, an internationally-recognized poet, and an English instructor at Bridgewater College. She has been published in venues such as The Atlanta Review, The Bluestone Review, Philomathean, Midway. Still, The Tishman Review, VoxPoetica, and many others. Yurcaba is also the 2nd place winner of Australia's Sans Frontieres Hemingway Contest and a finalist for Salem College's International Poetry Rita Dove Award.

Jay Armstrong, "Opal Equanimity"
Ellen Bae, "Stories" and "Black Swan"
Adria Baratta, "Rainy Season"
Adria Baratta is an Los Angeles-based writer and performer originally hailing from the NYC-area. Her work is scattered around the internet, but she has a comedy YouTube show called Women Do Whiskey ( ).
Terry Bartley, "Certainty"
Terry Bartley is an avid board gamer and longtime comic book reader. He recently completed his Bachelors Degree in English Literature from the University of Phoenix. He is currently working on a comic book mini-series called Quest for Fame, about a wannabe pop star in a traditionally fantasy world. On the personal side, Terry is also trying to check off life goals from his list of 30 things to finish before he turns 30 before his birthday in June. These things include writing and recording an album, self-publishing his own comic and running a marathon.
Ace Boggess, "Bourbon Balls", "Lying Down", "Winter", and "Fauna"
Ace Boggess is the author of two books of poetry: The Prisoners (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2014) and The Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Fulfilled (Highwire Press, 2003). His novel, A Song without a Melody, is forthcoming from Hyperborea Publishing. His writing has appeared in Harvard Review, Mid-American Review, RATTLE, River Styx, North Dakota Quarterly and many other journals. He lives in Charleston, West Virginia.
Don Brogan, "Snowy Morning on Capitol Street"
Shan Cawley, "Chronos the Sad Bastard"
Shannon Cawley is an 18 year old writer from Weirton, West Virginia. She plans to attend West Virginia University in the fall of 2016, and is an alumna of West Virginia Writers’ Workshop. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram
Randy Cobbs, "Untitled"
Justin Cornell, "D-069-P", "D-070-P", "Mermanatee", and "The Call"
Amberly Denslow, "Untitled"
Joshua Didriksen, "Untitled"
Different Breed Photography, "Untitled"
Brooklyn Ewing of Dirt Candy Photography, "Dope" and "Dope"
Adicus Ryan Garton, "MOUSETRAP"
Adicus Ryan Garton is originally from Huntington, WV. He now lives on the Arctic Circle with his wife and his cat. Santa Claus once mistook him for a Hungarian.
Torri Halstead, "Pink" and "Food for Thought"
Haraldo, "Keeper of the Dark Curse"
Daniel Heyman, "Setting Out" and "Silent Noise"
Branko Jovanovic, "Icon" and "Pilgrimage"
Emily Mintz, "Woodcock" and "Ratskullhead"
Emily Mintz is New York based artist and instructor, working primarily in oil, graphite, and sculpture, who's work focuses on the intersection between the natural sciences and the human condition. Through her art she highlights the importance of conservation and the lasting effects humanity and nature have upon one another.
Miranda Moonchild, "Dope" and "Dope"
Most Exalted, "Untitled", "Untitled", and "Untitled"
Randall Nichols, "Limousine"
Heather Noble, "Not the Bride"
Eric N. Peterson, "One arm indeed!!!", "Another God", "Remember People?", and "Yawn"
Heather Pettry, "Crying Wolf"
Heather Hill Pettry hails from Boone County, West Virginia. She attended Marshall University and has a B.A. in Secondary English Education. Now she is on the other side of the teacher's desk at her alma mater. She is married and had two children.
Ian Rogers, "Blissful Ignorance, Namelessness, and the Cigarette Smoking Man From The X-Files"
Ian Rogers is a graduate of Bennington College who writes and organizes mail-order art swaps in his spare time. In the past he's worked as a housepainter, an ESL teacher, a remover of underwater milfoil, a sleep-study research participant, a gardener, a technical writer, a science lab assistant, and a facial cream salesman; at present he's at work on a novel about English teachers in corporate Japan who slack off a lot at their jobs. Follow him on Twitter @IantheRoge, or read more of his musings at
Devan Rollyson, "Spelunkers"
Sam Roman, "Classic Movie Monsters"
Anna Schles, "Before there was a you or a me", "I must work to forget you", "Screaming Eyeless Monster", and "Halloween"
Anna Schles, a proud Charlestonian and West Virginian, is a 2014 graduate of Charleston Catholic High School. She is a junior at West Virginia University studying English and History. When she is not writing, she can be found listening to the Beatles, studying, reading, making short films, playing chess, or drawing, sometimes all at the same time. Her main talent is being droll, although she is also gifted at wearing outlandish hats, catching computers on fire, and spelling.
Bennet Siffrin, "Not The Radius", "iron alcove, cradle us in the marble dark", "eight ball ballet", and "no•năh•mĕ"
Bennet Siffrin grew up in Wetzel County. He is a Marshall University graduate and currently lives in Charleston. He gives his thanks to Jerry Rea Ellis for being an inspiration and a good friend.
Laszlo Tamasfi, "Icon", "Pilgrimage", and "The Call"
Laszlo Tamasfi writes a weekly webcomic at
Raye Trippett, "Reminiscing Old Lovers" and "these are the ways that you’ll be okay"
Raye Trippett is a senior art student at Fairmont State University.
Website: rayetrippett
Randi Ward, "Skull Run", "Reins", "Thrown", "Gourd", "In Dutch", "Pledge", "Morgantown", "No Loitering", and "Make Way"
Randi Ward is a writer, translator, lyricist, and photographer from Belleville, West Virginia. She earned her MA in Cultural Studies from the University of the Faroe Islands and is a recipient of the American-Scandinavian Foundation's Nadia Christensen Prize. Ward is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee whose work has appeared in the Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Asymptote, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cimarron Review, The Cortland Review, Thrush Poetry Journal, Vencil: Anthology of Contemporary Faroese Literature, World Literature Today, and other publications. For more information, visit:
Jeffrey Webb, "White Smoke"
Sherrell Wigal, "Gleaning Linguistics", Songs From The Earth", and "Blessing of Beulah Land"
Sherrell Wigal, a native of West Virginia who grew up surrounded by words and people in love with words. Her most recognized poetry centers on the themes of nature and family. Sherrell presented poetry workshops this past year at West Virginia Writers, Inc., Conference June 12-14, 2015. She was also the writing instructor at Allegheny Echoes Summer Workshops June 22-27, 2015, in Marlinton, WV, and at the Pearl S Buck Birthplace in Hillsboro WV on September 19, 2015. She frequently presents her poetry at various festivals throughout West Virginia, and her poems have been published in numerous publication throughout the Appalachian region and beyond.

Lost Arno, "Freefall"
Lost Arno is a comic book artist living in France. He worked for InComics and Red Leaf Comics.
His work can be seen at http://lostarno.deviantart. com/.
Dave Baker, "Sadness File: 037"
Glen Brogan, "High Score"
John Butterworth, "Fatalism"
John Butterworth was raised in a rural community outside the Paris of Appalachia, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After attending Bethany College and West Virginia University he has worked in local government as a Community Planner. His interest in poetry is cyclical, writing mostly when he is too angry or sad to speak. His interest in Appalachian writing was spurred by the work of Don West, among others. John lives on Snag Creek outside Hurricane, West Virginia with his wife and daughter.
Rebecca Cale Camhi, "Dicey, Blossom, and Ernestine"
Justin Cornell, "Walk for the Cure"
Adicus Ryan Garton, "Chicago Overcoat"
Adicus Ryan Garton is a writer and musician who lives lives on the Arctic Circle with his wife and cat, Adun. Santa Claus once mistake him for a Hungarian. He occasionally blogs at
Nicole Goux, "Sadness File: 037"
Mareth Griffith, "The Last Bend in the Road"
Mareth Griffith works as a wilderness guide in Alaska, and bounces between the Alaskan coast and various warmer locations during the winter months. Her writing has previously been featured in the Redoubt Reporter, and Pen the Kenai, an essay exhibit documenting life on Alaska’s Kenai coast. A West Virginian by birth, she frequently visits the Charleston area, and can occasionally be heard as part of the pit band of local musical theatre productions. Mareth plays violin well and rhythm guitar badly, and has several yet-to-be-published novels taking up space on her hard drive. To learn more about life in the intermittently-frozen north, visit her blog, notesfromanaccidentalnaturalis
RN Healey, "A Quick Excerpt From A Long Story About Nothing"
Janus Lu, "Hambot"
Janus Lu (Loo Chin Choong )
A comic artist who likes to draw busty women, robots, monsters and a lot of fantasy stuff. You can find him in on: |
Michael Malatini, "In Plain Sight"
Michael Malatini lives in Ancona, Italy. He is a comic book artist who loves science fiction and superheroes. He worked on the first numbers of Booker T's GI Bro by Last Sentry Comics and you can find his work here: http://mikaelnoon92.
Randall Nichols, "The Norse Star"
Gabe Ostley, "Hambot"
Gabe Ostley is the artist for DC Comics' The Hammer, as well as Hero Action Persons, Snatcher Bodies, and My Date With Medusa, published by Devil's Due Digital. In 2014, he adapted the play, Moth, into a graphic novel for The Cincinnati Review. He was born in Minnesota and graduated from the Savannah College of Art & Design with a BFA in Sequential Art. After working in illustration and licensed characters in New York City, he moved to Hong Kong to the post of Artist-in-Residence for Yew Chung Education Foundation. His work has expanded to include murals and large scale sculptures in addition to paintings in exhibitions around Hong Kong. He now lives in Portland Oregon with his wife and two sons.
Ian Rogers, "One Nation, Indivisible"
Ian Rogers is a graduate of Bennington College who writes and organizes mail-order art swaps in his spare time. In the past he's worked as a housepainter, an ESL teacher, a remover of underwater milfoil, a sleep-study research participant, a gardener, a technical writer, a science lab assistant, and a facial cream salesman; at present he's at work on a novel about English teachers in corporate Japan who slack off a lot at their jobs. Follow him on Twitter @IantheRoge, or read more of his musings at
Anna Schles, "I mean"
Anna Schles, a proud Charlestonian and West Virginian, is a 2014 graduate of Charleston Catholic High School. She is a junior at West Virginia University studying English and History. When she is not writing, she can be found listening to the Beatles, studying, reading, making short films, playing chess, or drawing, sometimes all at the same time. Her main talent is being droll, although she is also gifted at wearing outlandish hats, catching computers on fire, and spelling.
Laszlo Tamasfi, "In Plain Sight" and "Freefall"
Laszlo Tamasfi writes a weekly webcomic at
Raye Trippett, "2005" and "Coney Island"
Raye Trippett is a senior art student at Fairmont State University.
Website: rayetrippett
Andrea Tsurumi, "So obvious"
Andrea Tsurumi is an illustrator and cartoonist who likes history, absurdity, dogs and monsters (in no particular order). She likes funny stories and lives in New York City. Her work has appeared in The Nib, Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream, The New York Times, and Spongebob Comics, among other places. You can see her work at
Randi Ward, "Box Turtle", "Nightshade", "Iris", "Butterfly", "Private Property", and "The Lot"
Randi Ward is a writer, translator, lyricist, and photographer from Belleville, West Virginia. She earned her MA in Cultural Studies from the University of the Faroe Islands and is a recipient of the American-Scandinavian Foundation's Nadia Christensen Prize. Ward is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee whose work has appeared in the Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Asymptote, Beloit Poetry Journal, Cimarron Review, The Cortland Review, Thrush Poetry Journal, Vencil: Anthology of Contemporary Faroese Literature, World Literature Today, and other publications. For more information, visit:
John Wiswell, "Making Her"
Sarrah J. Woods, "We Need You to Be Yourself"
Sarrah J. Woods is a native of Charleston, WV. Although she works in the insurance industry for her day job, writing is her passion. She is currently working on a young adult novel, and she blogs at www.ABringerOfNewThings. Her other passions include literature and education, and she volunteers at the Charleston Secular Humanist Community Center. Sarrah lives in Charleston with her husband and their three cats.